Mikhail Kórotkov

Anthology of Protest in Israel: The 'Russian Street' Edition

Video project, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2023

Whenever camps pop up across Israel to protest the cost of living, current pro-democracy protests, or even municipal elections, the Israeli 'Russian street' is generally considered uninterested in all that noise, despite being affected by these issues just as much, if not more than the average Israeli.

There are some activists who get involved as actively as possible but due to apolitical culture in Russia last many years, there are lots of people who call themselves apolitical and leave the fate of their state to the mercy of the strongest party (it doesn’t matter who it is will be, government or society). That’s interesting that people who are “apolitical" can be very powerful if they are worried: they help to spread information online and influence others.

The project is a collaboration with Maria Bora https://www.instagram.com/maria_bora_bora/

Watch it here: https://vimeo.com/865494917


"Bring your own beamer (BYOB) party", Tel Aviv, Israel, 14.09.2023

The video was projected on a wall.